Cancellation and Refund Policy

1. Money-Back Guarantee:

We offer a 10-day money-back guarantee on select products and services. If you are not satisfied with your purchase within the specified period, you may request a refund. The eligibility and duration of the money-back guarantee may vary depending on the product or service you have purchased. Please refer to the specific product/service details or contact our customer support for more information.

2. Eligibility for Refunds:

2.1 Product/Service Criteria:

To be eligible for a refund, the product or service must meet the following criteria:

  • The refund request is made within the specified money-back guarantee period.
  • The product or service is not listed as a non-refundable item.
  • The product or service should not has any DMCA Copyright Notices.
  • The product or service has not been used excessively or abused.

2.2 Non-Refundable Items:

Certain products and services are non-refundable. These may include, but are not limited to:

  • Domain name registrations or transfers.
  • SSL certificates.
  • Administrative fees.
  • Custom development services.
  • Third-party products or services integrated with our offerings.

3. How to Request a Refund:

To request a refund, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact our customer support team through [contact information].
  2. Provide your purchase details, including order number, product/service name, and reason for the refund request.
  3. Our customer support team will review your request and initiate the refund process if it meets the eligibility criteria.

4. Refund Process:

4.1 Payment Method:

Refunds will be issued using the same payment method used for the original purchase. If the payment was made via credit card, the refund will be credited back to the same credit card. If the payment was made through another method, our customer support team will work with you to process the refund accordingly.

4.2 Timeframe for Refunds:

Refunds are typically processed within 3-4 business days from the approval of the refund request. However, depending on the payment method and financial institution, it may take additional time for the refund to reflect in your account.

5. Exceptions:

We reserve the right to deny refund requests in the following circumstances:

  • Violation of our terms of service or acceptable usage policy.
  • Abuse or fraudulent use of our products or services.
  • Products or services that have already been renewed for another term.
  • Products or services purchased outside the specified money-back guarantee period.
  • Non-refundable items as outlined in Section 2.2.

6. Changes to the Refund Policy:

We may modify or update this refund policy from time to time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised policy on our website. We encourage you to review this policy periodically for any updates.

If you have any questions or need further clarification regarding our refund policy, please contact our customer support team through [contact information].

This refund policy was last updated on 04-01-2024.